Wednesday, April 13, 2011

...and today was a day just like any other.

^that's a song. by Jack's Mannequin. Yeah.

Here are some things I liked about today:

-my classes went by fast. In my first class I took 2 tests then left, having only been in class for 40 minutes. It's a 2 hour and 40 minute class. Beautiful. Then in my other 2 hour and 40 minute class, I got out 40 minutes early. Shawang.
-I got ALL 22 of my online spanish assignments done. Half of them I did during my boring astrology class, and the other half I did when I got home from school. And they're not even due til Friday! This is a first for me. I like it.
-my nails are finally growing consistently! This isn't just today, this has been going on for at least a month now. If any of you know me, you know that I am a nail-biter. I have nubs that never ever grow. UNTIL NOW. I have been so good about not biting my nails. And it excites me.
-I ate garlic bread. Nuff said.
-I went to the movies with this boy.. Source Code is what we saw. Twas a red tomato.
-I straightened my hair this morning. As opposed to my more popular lazy, throw-it-up-cuz-my-hair-sucks style. And. My bangs are no longer in the awkward length stage. I usually pin them up because they look dumb because I'm growing them out. And I like them now. Hooray.
-I got some Krabby Patties from Walgreens. Those always make me happy. Like a small child.

Things I didn't like about today:

-I forgot to paint my nails, so they look gross right now.
-I spent over 2 cumulative hours of my day doing homework that's not even due for 2 more days.. I could've been doing other less-productive things. Ugh.
-This is the day every couple weeks when I really start hoping Friday comes faster, because Friday=payday. I am usually fine, but the Wednesday before payday is always my freak-out, hope-I-have-enough-money-to-last day.
-I accidentally threw ranch on my car at the movie theater. I know that sounds stupid, and it was stupid, but it really was an accident! I won't go into details.
-I accidentally let Adam's mom's dog pee on a couch :/

That's all I didn't like. I think.

Something happened today, that I didn't like nor dislike, it just happened. I saw a lady and a kid, probably 5 or 6, but who was blind, walking across a crosswalk with his stick near the ASDB. I was stopped at the light while he was crossing, and I just started staring. I wasn't really staring at the kid in like an awkward creepy stare, it was more of a thoughtful stare. I was just thinking, and wondering mostly, what it would be like to not have sight, especially at that young of an age! That poor kid is still developing his tastes for what he likes and doesn't like, and he can't even see them. He can't see colors, lights, textures, anything! It's sad. He was trying to feel the brick wall so he could sit down, and I was just thinking, he doesn't even know what brick looks like. Or sidewalk. Little things. WEIRD. So I guess if there's one more thing I like about today, it's that I realized how grateful I am to be able to see!

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