Monday, March 14, 2011

My latest RAVE.

Ok so. Most people don't know this about me, but I used to be a nail polish fanatic. When I was little (before the fancy-shmancy nail pens they now have), I would paint a design or picture on my nails for every occasion- Christmas, winter, Halloween, St. Patrick's Day, school assemblies, Kwanzaa (black nail polish), etc. So I've been into nail polish for a long time. I downsized my enormous collection to just about 20 can't-live-withouts, and gave the rest to my little sister Aleigha, who has caught on to the craze. Anyway, I FINALLY got this new nail polish, it's from Katy Perry's new line, it's called BLACK SHATTER. I have been trying to get this stuff for months now. Seriously. I went to every beauty store (except ULTA) trying to find it, and then read in a mag that ULTA would have it. So I went there. Every time I went they were out! Every dad-gum place that sold it was always out of it. I was beginning to give up hope. And Adam was beginning to get very annoyed with my persistence. I even told his sister Bethany about it. Well, the other day, Bethany texted me and said, "I have shatter nail polish for you!" And I got so excited. Apparently her friend works at ULTA. And her friend said that employees get first dibs from stuff that comes on the shipment, hence why it gets sold out so quick. So Bethany had her friend buy two of them when they came, and she gave one to me. It is everything I dreamed of. Ha. But seriously. It's cool. I've used it on top of pink, green, and silver nail polish, and so far I like it with silver the best. It just looks.... awesome. End of story. Here's a pic. It looks better in person haha. Oh, and ignore the 4-year-old paint job. I haven't touched it up yet lol.


  1. Dude your blog is legit! Its taken me years to figure this crap out. And this polish is freaking awesome. Just to make sure I get this right, you paint your nails and than paint over it with the black and it shatters?? haha thats crazy!

  2. Yeah! Its so cool. At least i think so anyway haha. And um... The only reason i caught onto this so fast is because of myspace, sadly. I used to change and add things to my profile all the time, and you need codes to do it. Ha
