I went to work today, and recently I have come to realize many things, just by associating with the people I associate with. There are a lot, but here are a few:
Some men (a lot of men) act very differently when their wives are around, and it's kind of sad. For example, I have this regular who always comes in. He always talks flirty to me. Now, I'm not trying to toot my own horn. You could have a mullet and boobs down to your belly button, but as long as you are a female you will get hit on at Harbor Freight. Anyway, so this guy comes in every couple weeks if not more, never has a ring on (not that that ever got my hopes up or anything, or that I meant to notice, he's like 60, bleh), is always outgoing and happy, talks to me like he's my best friend, and it's whatever. Well, the other day he came in with his wife, was wearing his ring, yada-yada-yada. He didn't even look me in the eye when I was ringing him up or asking him questions. He was just really weird. It was really super awkward. Not that I should care or anything, or that I even DO care, but I don't understand why people are so different when they are with their significant other and when they're not. I'm not taking it personally, or thinking AT ALL that it's my doing that he was acting so weird. And maybe he was just having a bad day and didn't want to talk to me or anyone or whatever, but there have been several times that my regulars come in with a woman and are night and day different. I've never understood it.
People live up to their stereotypes quite often. I don't want to point out any specific examples because that is rude, but um, it's kind of annoying. People get upset that their particular race or ethnicity is stereotyped for something, but then they're "that guy." All the time.
My company could have its own reality TV show.
HFT is the best place to people-watch. Ever. Okay picture this. Trannies, see-thru mesh tank tops "covering" the biggest muffin top you've ever seen, yellow pants (?!), hungry butts for days, socks from the 90's, Hungarian hair-do's, ... well scratch that, just Hungarians, men in short shorts, cul-de-sac hair, B.O., teen moms, full-body sweatsuits that are the same color top and bottom but different shades, war veterans, old women in metallic purple leggings, face tattoos, boys from da hood with an extra long pinky nail who come in just to buy a small scale (wonder what that could be for?), etc etc. Oh you know, I see all these on a regular basis. Sometimes I have to catch myself when I start staring at someone, especially when they're talking to me.
I look Mexican. This is how scarce polite manners are at my store- I get asked, "hablo espanol?" or "speaka da spaneesh?" FAR more times than people say, "excuse me" before asking me a question.
I also look like I'm 17? I can't count how many times people have asked me if I'm still in high school. Not a big deal. Not offensive.
People don't always mean what they say, especially when they have accentos. For example. If someone says they want a 'yak', what they really want is a JACK. If they say they want a 'yumper', they actually want a JUMPSTART. If they say they want a 'bakrum', they just simply want a VACUUM. And, if they say they want a 'shane', no, they do not actually want Shane, they just want some CHAIN.
Well, my job is interesting to say the least.