Sunday, May 13, 2012

Weird morning.

So I've been home alone the last couple days, because both of my roommates are out of town. Not that that has anything to do with this story. I guess I've just had a lot of alone time, which has been pretty nice. Anyway, last night I had a really weird dream about Shane. Shaney poo. Pretty much, I really had to talk to him about something but he was on a date with another girl. I don't know what I had to tell him, but I never got to because his date was giving me the stank eye. So then I woke up this morning, and I was kind of freaking out because I needed to talk to Shane real bad about whatever, and I went to go call him. And then I realized he won't answer :( And I've been missing him real bad all day. I don't remember what I needed to talk to him about, but when I woke up and realized I couldn't call him I got real bummed out. I'm not the type of person to try and interpret my dreams or anything like that, but it just kind of sucks. I have a lot of weird dreams, but I haven't woken up this bummed since I dreamed about winning $4,600 in the penny slots when I only put $0.06 in. This is a different kind of bummed though I guess. It's more of like a, I-really-miss-Shane-and-talking-to-him-whenever kind of bummed. So I called my mom instead and wished her a Happy Mother's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm glad you called me, but this still made me sad. And what happened to your post in December? A lot of times, if you don't keep those things recorded, like what you wrote and your feelings behind it, it's too easy to later forget why you wrote it and did it in the first place, and you can more easily find yourself in that same cycle, yet once again, no matter how much you hope or think that things will be 'different this time'.
