Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Some girl the other day....

thought I was black.... Again... This happens on a regular basis. Well, not necessarily people thinking I'm black, although that definitely wasn't the first time that's happened. It's hilarious to hear what people think my race is. I've gotten all sorts of crazy guesses since I can remember. It's kind of ridiculous actually. And I was recently talking to some of my coworkers about it, because I'm in a new town and, well, whenever I meet new people I know that question will come up eventually. "Caitlin, what ARE you?" It happens. It happened at work, it's happened in my ward, it happened at FHE two nights ago... Ha. At FHE the other night two random guys, at two different times, came up to me and asked if I am half Filipino. They were both white guys, so I said, "why, did you serve there?" Both of them had haha. They both said they were gonna start speaking Tagalog to me to see if I'd understand. I told them I would not have. And then it was awkward. But then after that I was talking to a few guys I met a couple weeks ago, and we started talking about "what I am." And I was telling them all the crazy things people in the past have thought, or nicknames people have come up with for me. Here are a few, more memorable ones:

-Arabian Princess
-Persian Princess
-Egyptian, because of my eyes...
-half Mexican/half black... WAY off
-just Mexican
-just black
-other ridiculous things.

Truth is, I don't even know "what I am" half the time, not even kidding. Every time I see my grandpa, he tells us we're something else. "Oh, you're part Indo-Chinese." or, "Yeah, you're part Caribbean Indian." No one even knows what that means. Bottom line, I'm a mutt. I have an idea of where I came from but some aren't actually confirmed. I'm just confused.


  1. bahahahahahahahaha.
    No one has ever mistaken me for being black before.....and yet people all the time asked if we were twins. Hmm.

  2. Haha. Member how we used to stand in the mirror and compare features... Yeah, I can understand why you've never gotten mistaken for a black person hahahaha
